The CKD-EPI (Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration), a research group established by National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases, proposed a new equation last year for GFR estimation. In a study published in Annals (Levey et al, Annals of Internal Medicine 2009), authors developed a new equation using a large database of 8254 participants pooled from 10 studies and further validated this equation in 3896 other participants pooled from 16 studies. Essentially, it used the same variables as MDRD equation - serum creatinine, age, sex, race - but with different intercepts for these. Authors showed that CKD-EPI equation is more accurate than MDRD equation, especially at higher GFRs. Please see image above. Major limitations of the study are that the study participants were from pooled studies and there were only few participants older than 70 or of non-african american minorities. Here is the online calculator for this new equation (QxMD.com).
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